Process & Solution Consulting
Technology is moving at a very fast pace with huge possibilities to provide incredible, powerful, and portable innovative solutions. Successful managers understand that this onslaught is obsoleting existing business models and being complacent and never challenging their business procedures will weaken and possibly destroy their business.
The survival in business depends on proactive disruption, constant evaluation of new ideas and relevancy to your current processes and how fast you are able to adapt. Take control of your business processes. TSP helps you formalize your workflows and rationalize using new technologies. We help you leapfrog the traditional evolutionary cycle by adapting new technologies that are relevant to your circumstance and are standard and proven.
Everyday new technologies and buzzwords are being thrown at you, so solve all your problems. We filter hype from reality. Existing processes are built on paradigm of sequential work flows. The solutions built using these processes and old technologies carry unnecessary technical baggage, are bloated, and need an army of programmers to maintain and support. The Solution using existing paradigm has become non-relevant. Existing solutions use interface design to accommodate needs of multiple users and present massive data load, whether the user had use of it or not. After all, one shoe size does not fit all foot sizes.
People are savvy users of mobile technologies. They are constantly connected over the internet with their Smartphones. Everywhere – Any time – Multiple Device. The interface has to be mobile friendly and needs the same touch, feel, and functionality, and the underlying process has to be of meaningful use and user role relevant.
No two businesses are alike and as such, standard software packages fail to provide the unique functions and processes that make you unique and successful. In our quest of customer success, we have fine-tuned the art of incorporating innovative technologies into design solutions that are practical, easy to use and improve business processes and outcomes. We craft reliable, consistent, and total solutions by reengineering, transforming and decluttering processes to deliver complete work flows that are user friendly and eliminate training. We take solutions to the users and deliver actionable data in the hands of the users.
Let us create a flexible process platform customized to your business needs. Get in touch
Let us create a flexible process platform customized to your business needs.

End-To-End Solution
Built-in processes are complete and accurate and deliver 100% accuracy every time.

Worldwide Support
We are there to support you, no matter where you do business. Get worldwide support.

Robust Design
Designed specifically with the industrial user in mind, for harsh environments with high performance.

Receive excellence in service and care that only experience can deliver. Get the resources you need.

Our distributed resources around the world facilitate 24 x 7 response. Get end-to-end services and solutions.

Enterprise Grade
Seamless integration into your global infrastructure with a built-in remote management solution.
Unique Delivery Model
“IMPACT,” which encompasses the elements of our work philosophy to ensure organizations receive comprehensive, timely, and cost-effective services. The “IMPACT” delivery model offers exceptional flexibility and benefits at every step of a project and provides customers with savings of nearly 40 percent compared to traditional service offerings. The “IMPACT” Delivery Model features:
COST: The potential for dramatic savings due to small team size, easier management and maintenance is close to 40 percent of traditional IT service offerings.
PROFFESSIONAL: Our professionals gain an evolving understanding of diverse technologies and applications required in today’s technology solutions, and follow a team approach.
TIMELINESS: Use of rapid application development tools decreases team size and the need for handwritten code, thus enhancing productivity and compressing project delivery time schedules.
MODULAR: Our modular approach, with strong emphasis on definition and delivery based on client timelines, enables us to meet objectives on a timely basis.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Focused engagement with clients’ teams, based on requirements throughout the software development life cycle of the project, enables clients’ teams to better manage projects.
INTERFACE: We provide single point interface for delivery, installation, implementation and support.